Written by Luis Azevedo
“Living is better than dreaming”. This is a verse from a song by a Brazilian singer called Elis Regina and I believe it fits perfectly with the book I just read, *The past is Another Country*. The book presents 12 stories written by new Canadians, people who, for a lot of reasons, came to live in Canada. Throughout their pages, the stories reflect the thoughts and especially the feelings of people who, in some cases, were forced to leave their native land searching for a new life. In this process, these people had to adapt to the new culture, language, climate and challenges that would appear. At the same time, *The past is Another Country* is an invitation to reflect about the thousands of people who had choose _living_ instead of just dream. I recommend reading it and I invite you to learn more about the history of people from different places who, in Canada, found their reasons to _*(re)live*_